Bedroom Makeover

Designer Credits: Ioana Todorova Designs

Project Overview:

The Fall Forest Symphony artwork echoes the abstract multi-hued pattern of the rug, setting an autumnal atmosphere for rest and relaxation in this bedroom. The rustic styling of the bed set furniture is repeated in the features of the floor lamp and the accent chair in the reading corner—all in colors, shapes, and textures that spell comfort. The dominant beiges and browns of this peaceful room are complemented by the solid-blue expanse of the bedspread, which adds to the notion of calmness and serenity.

The room was transformed during a full-condo renovation to refresh and brighten the space. It involved refinishing and whitewashing the parquet floor and repainting the walls, doors, window frames and molding the same room color to unify and visually expand the space. Wall-to-wall sheer drapery brings coziness, filters the day light, and obscures from view the window AC unit and the radiator.

Check out the dining room, living room, and office makeovers we’ve done in the same home.

Bedroom Makeover